2020 Open enrollment starts November 1st and goes through December 15th.
Call Joe Thomas today for an appointment.
Why Should You Use a Local Agent to Navigate Healthcare.gov?
One important piece of information that has not been publicized about Healthcare.gov is that you can use a local, exchange certified agent to navigate healthcare.gov. Why should you use an agent? There are a number of great reasons.
An Agent like Joe Thomas here at Battles understands the changes in healthcare. He has been following the changes and deadlines with health reform since it was signed into law in 2010. Do you understand what is and isn’t covered under your health policy? Joe does and he can help you make sense of it all.
He has been on the exchange, helping clients navigate healthcare.gov, since the beginning and can help you get online, set up your account and complete your application. He can do this quickly and with less frustration than you doing it by yourself.
Have a question, billing issue or problem with your policy? Your local agent can assist you in getting it resolved – eliminating the need to wait in a call cue with a customer service agent that may not be able to address all of your concerns.
Joe is a licensed expert in health insurance. He had to pass an exam, complete continuing education requirements, and be appointed by the insurance companies we represent. The Navigators, who can help you complete an application, are not experts in the plan offerings and cannot explain plan benefits to you. They are not licensed or trained to do so.
It doesn’t cost you anything extra. You will pay the same premium and get the same subsidy whether you try to do it on your own or enroll in a plan with an exchange certified agent like Joe.
So why not enlist in the expertise of our local agent Joe Thomas at Battles Insurance? He can assist you in determining the right plan, the right price and provide you with the right local service you deserve!